Agree. It is why I am fine with women who test and check and test again.
I would have been shaking my head if I was there and said "dude what is wrong with you".
I am no prude, but initimate family gathering and folks are talking body parts?
This guy doesn't even level up to Man-child, not even close as a broken clock that won't even be right twice a day.
I know my flaws, and I used my past fuck ups to do more therapy and work on me. I also learned the importance of surrounding myself with good, strong, moral/ethical folks.
I have used this before, but if me and my masculinity is a stone, I want to make sure the waters of humanity and feminiity are strong, clear and toxic free. If there are shit stories, I read them to understand what is happening, where I was born out of, how far I have worked on things, and how much I have to work on things that maybe layered into my male psyche and stereotypes/biases.
Women deserve better. I deserve better. We all deserve better.
I just can't understand how a so called toxic boy who embraced the worsts of traditional stereotypes, can sit there unemployed on his ass, while his partner works her ass off.
It is a foreign concept to me ...