Agreed. This is why the messaging for guys could be as simple as:
See something ... say something
You see a man doing something "not right" ... see something say something. If as a man, you don't feel safe, call 911 and get the police. Video the situation and collect the proof, but do something.
Something I am *not* proud of is while at a party 6 months or so after my rape, I was at a party. I heard a woman screaming and I opened the door and the dude was raping her.
I saw red and flashed back to what happened to me and I ripped him off of her and started beating on him. To the point the girl was asking for me to stop and not kill him. The house was built into a hillside so the 2nd story floor wasn't a full "story". I stopped, and threw him out the window.
I was very lucky I heard her voice because I don't think I would have stopped and it scares me still until this day how close I could have been to jail.
In America, I am pro-2A, but I refuse to own a gun. I have learned that I needed to fix me, which I did.
So I 100% believe you and I sadly can see both sides of the coin ... any woman or child or family member threatened makes me see red. I have learned to control it and manage it, but life is nasty.
Thank you for the conversation as always!