All people have to do is track male suicide rates, the workforce utilization, marriage rates, and the rates of adult males and boys exploding. Given women have autonomy and the ability to control more (even with the Handmaiden’s Tale of red states), they have the ability to demand more.
So yes that means for the older Generation (eep even X and Y), if you aren’t stellar in bed and rock it, intimacy in a FWB won’t happen for you rarely if ever.
As for therapy, from talking to a therapist that contacted me after we were done, she stated the hard part was the lack of men in group circles, and forget about men’s oriented groups for therapy. She had one circle where one guy remained mute because he didn’t feel safe, so she asked me for consent to share my stories and info to help him.
I stated sure absolutely …. Why did she ask? The guy stated he felt like a freak and there literally had to be no men at all that dealt with things …
I never heard back, but I hope he healed.
I had to listen to guys blabber on today about Biden and other things while trying to drink a beer and read a newspaper while waiting to take food home from a steakhouse. I had to use the … lets not argue which side is right, but if you took government property as ex military what would happen to you … they agreed. Yeah … then unfortunately, I couldn’t read any more paper as the guy next to me stumbled and bumbled on (I know women know how that feels)
You are corrrect … guys do need to talk and they need authentic men and therapists to unload as to not burden women and their female family members with the horrorscape of masculinity. Because we can be honest about this, women don’t know the playground, but they do know the damage from it. It is akin to men mansplaining femininity, not cool, and not a valid experience “unless” you are transgender.
Why do I read this stuff as I am married? Because I need to do better always “and” if my partner dies or we divorce I want to be in a better space and place for the next.
Be human, be open, be honest, be vulnerable and if you as a partner always has to be the bigger person … stop being around smaller people … gender doesn’t apply