And with our openness and sharing as a CIS-male and CIS-female, we learn something very important.
My attempt to bridge this divide that I feel like a man.
I am the wick and the ability to spark a flame alive. Women are the candle.
Women must endure the pain and suffering of boring or opening themselves up to accept the wick, and men must endure the discomfort of the scrunching and the pain where the wick and flame meet before the pleasure comes forth.
When done the candle protects the man, and the man warms the woman's soul.
As for nature, I agree. Folks will see me and assume “a lot”. But in reality I have had my hands up a mare numerous times and helped give birth quite a few times. I have also had to put animals down and deal with that, which is never easy.
I see the full arc of it on my farm in Texas, and I also have the knowledge to have put up a 5G tower so I can do internet, and I am the type of man that goes out with his partner into a tornado to save animals.
So I know COVID is a struggle, and my heart is with you as you fight the battles you do. Know you are loved, you are desired, and you are appreciated. The “you” also extends to all women who read, like, and appreciate my messages and likes. It also applies to men who are whole and learning and complete too.
I think after all of this writing you deserve some chocolate while you sit outside and enjoy nature!