As a guy that has worked on his authentic and spiritual masculinity a lot, I am all in for partnership. After the most recent shit-show in side show bob masculinity, and watching people actually stand up for a man who used violence over words ... you betcha.
A man gives his spark of life to a woman who on initial creation, nurtures its and makes it come to life.
This is as beautiful and precious as anything on the planet, and it is a man responsibility to stand by and partner up and nurture the safety of women with her consent and good communication and work.
The fact that people believe will smith's actions are "chivalrous" have bought into the waste of what is traditional masculinity and it's patriarchal shallowness.
So I have actually seen some women I thought highly off who went to protect forms of masculinity that aren't, and they are free to go with their life, but it means women like yourself rise up even more so.
I know I am damaged, and I work on myself every day, so I can be better for myself and so I have the reserves available to be a good partner.
I have gotten asked in my professional life why didn't I go for the gold of bigger management, and I part deflect with the fact I like technical purity and making things. I also state I don't like the psychopathy that is required at the higher levels that are modeled off of pure competition. Does it make me weak? No. I can do a great job and produce and do good, but I don't want to be a person that lives an "or" life.
I want an "and" life, and I have observed when women are in charge their are more "ands".
I won't be a spoonfed cripple, because partnership means pulling your weight ... not being a weight.