As I age, my comment and definitely my thought in my heart is this.
So you are projecting your greatest fear on me, because I appear to be happy and you are miserable as a person.
Misery loves company.
Relationships are not a right, intimacy which may include sex is not a right
Not having either? Just means folks haven't been in an environment that is loving, caring, and is supportive.
It is not a statement on the person, but the environment.
To quote my Browns (football) creator ...
If you win say nothing, if you lose say less. - Paul Brown
Those that mock, shame, or look down on women like yourself and many others women and men, makes that person not really human.
Dead in the heart, closed in the mind, and empty soul.
My view is why would I want to sleep next to a deep abyss for life where I could have my soul deadened like that person ...
The thing that gives me happiness, is knowing I have been doing and doing and will be doing the hard work to make my masculinity super strong and authentic.
So women that get a taste, touch or sight/feel (consensually) get overwhelmed and surprised in a good way, given the sad rareness of it in our society.