But remember …. Meaghan Ward you already did it. Be proud of it.
As for me, I am going to get my athlete body back. A few months before I hit the brick wall with allergies (in my area), I had pizza and beer at a pub in Sherman Texas. There was a fantastic female bartender who had a beautiful child and we had great conversations. I hadn’t seen her since the last horse show, and I popped in.
Lets say the look on her face said “a lot”, I said Hi again miss me … she was taken a back and she stated “oh my you look good”, and what was funny when I went to the bathroom I even caught her looking.
She knows I am committed (no lies) but yeah … it was a nice confidence boost. I am going to get that back, just like you have achieved all that you have.
So … just like I fought off the effects of toxic masculinity, I need to power through a toxic allergen environment …. and when done … because I am a high libido guy … my poor partner :) since I am similar to one of the medium writers who talked about her partner with ADHD and sex ….
The worst angle with me is that I am also kinky AF ….. :D