Certainly and I agree with you on that. Men don't have the large block and empowerment for authentic men and fighting for rights that could help everyone. So one can't go with protests and push, because if it is done, then by default it is seen as a threat (given the patrarchial priviliege).
I agree with you on the pregnancy prevention; aspect but at this point it comes down to cutting one's self, using a semi-reliable condom, or abstinence.
It sucks, and women bear the burden of the act.
I state to people if you are pro-2a, pro-death penality to be pro-life on this makes you a hypocrite. Pick a path and stay with it ...
As a woman's body is her own, it is not for me to make that choice, but I do have a choice in which if intimacy occurs. I can choose whether to release, penetrate, and once that is done. I need to be all-in for whatever my partner desires.
They are getting close to the pill. The last one failed because of aggression and suicide issues. I believe the rates were high enough those on pills if young enough became even more hostile (picture that madness) or suicidal. There has been work on anti-hormone options, but honestly, with falling birth rates, I don't see the medical complex driving this for now.
What is a woman to do? The greatest reaction I got in an argument (cough debate) was it is easy. If she is willing, you have to engage penetration around her period. That means going down and making sure she is ready "orally" and that is your go time.
No way man was a response, and my retort was, I guess you weren't desiring safer sex at all where you?
His partner snickered at the time ...