Context and situation always matters greatly, and from what I am reading and seeing in what you are saying, this context is a professional setting.
Yes, insecurity always plays a part.
For guys that fall into that trap, some good techniques to deal with if you notice the interrupt driven approach you are doing.
Repeating what another says?
Make sure you acknowledge the person who first said it, and don't live in the glow off of someone else's work.
Interrupting like a bull?
State your piece, and then go back and state person X had said something to say before I interrupted.
Bad habit of doing so to a specific person or gender?
Take at least one meeting on one day and promote them to lead and say nothing.
From my cheap seats of life, I have seen this and have done it myself in professional settings. However, when it comes to relationship and social constructs, I have observed women being the #1 offender in situations where people are known to each other. (Social media is a whole another issue)
I have actually been in situations in the 1990s where I was the only guy also. I was a floating teller at banks during summer work and at least three of them were 100% run by women.
In my professional times, the most sexual hazing happened there, so I do know power corrupts. I did consent to the joking and playing mind you at the time, but when roles are reversed it is the same thing given the patriarchal views of life. I will never forget when my manager one time closed the door and asked if I would like to have a long lunch with her at her home ... (I talked to my father at the time who dealt with it).
So, the reality is though for most people on average there is always bull in the china shop person, and gender need not apply. The only time it does comes down to the demographic setting of people and the industry setting.
I do believe you and many other women with the mansplation and other things that pop up. I know I have been guilty of it, but at the time for me, it was requested by a therapist to break my stoic shields and masks. It hurt to fuck up, but I stand stronger because I tried.
Men need to do so with therapy and work too, and for quite a few awesome women (e.g. like yourself), patience in a leadership position will be required.