Did you know that the counties that Disney is in are nearly 60% DNC, and by doing this, it foists a $1 billion plus liability onto the counties?
Folks I know from Florida stated it will be probably around $2200 per household per year.
There was folks that were mocking back and forth in a political incel version Hatfield and McCoy, and they stated how dare they hurt their own GQP.
I kept thinking do you not understand what happens when this fight dehumanizes people along with the rest of the shit show we have going on.
It is a bloody pendelum swing of who can fuck over the other more. This passes and taxes go up care to guess how they will attack again.
I am so tired of this childish display of crap where people get hurt at so many levels. I had to bring up when family asked about the "border" since I live here, and I called out how the Governor has the national guard working with out pay. How they spent $3 billion which could have been used to pay for educators and other things.
Oh ... oh ... oh ...
Here we sit in the same shit different day routine over and over ...