Do question. I wish though we taught girls and women self defense, so they could have the additional safety of being able to protect themselves from the raw violence that can come from biological males.
I do recommend women as part of their self care take self defense courses.
As for challenging men, don't personalize your standards and expectations when men fail.
They will fail, and will fail a lot. E.g. take you and I talking now, roll back the clock 5-6 years ... I probably would have been blocked.
I am not proud to say that but it is the truth, but on the flip side where I am at now from where I was ... I am very happy for the growth.
And you know what I am not done.
Now the big thing for me is only allowing biological females that are true women (i.e. not toxic femininity driven) access to my raw masculinity, power, love and desire.
A Woman must be this tall to ride my ride :-) Of course everyone I have actively conversed with [including you and your friends] far exceed that bar.
That being said I want to be challenged (it happens a lot in my household too), because I want to be the strongest and most empathic warrior around for my partner and friends.
I still have to put pen to paper about what poetry came to mind when I woke up after reading about your walk in nature ... before I forget it.
Be well and confront the demons in you and around you.