Equality between the genders.
Keep It Simple and Stupid ...
People are going to twist things and folks are going to write points of view based upon their trauma and pain they experienced in their lives.
Folks should beware those that inflame and make divisive simple things, because they want to live in the shadows and keep people dumb and dark and at each other's throats.
Why? Because they can make bank on other people's pain.
When workload in a house is shared equally that means people can build reserves to do things that please them and help the relationship. It also means when one person can't do it, the other can temporarily run at 200% to cover it all.
Women given access to power and wealth are also now learning everything they thought about men was also not correct too. But they can't know this as a subordinate but only as a peer.
In our modern society, men do not feel emotionally safe to truly talk and work on their traumas and fear. Women have built structures to deal with this and have done a decent job, but now with the extra workloads are learning the dark twist hellscape men have known in traditional life. The thirst for another and the loneliness can be mentally damaging.
This is where men can share and help women, and vice versa equally, but it takes kindness, empathy, and sympathy all things that are in short supply.
Solutions can only be found without forced consent, and guess what that needs? Equality and partnerships.
One can never help another when one competes and fights to lead, because it leads to flight and apathy. Interesting isn't it that in America except for last election, the apathetic outnumbered the voting.
So ... remember ... if you believe in equality between the sexes" you are a feminist. That means women should ask men out equally if they desire them, and men should be stay at home dads if they want to and not be shamed ... and people should learn to be people and not a gender or a sexual activity.