Everytime I called this out from 2008 onwards, I got the but Bush, GOP, Republicans, Trump etc.
I changed my messaging and stated, how about this?
Anyone that is an incumbent, fight hard for the opposite opponent in the primary, and if you lose, vote for the other party. Start to send the message, how things have been run "just doesn't work".
Nope ... My issue X 'trumps' everything and I am fine with the economy and everything else.
I also warned people there was no job recovery, but was told "nope" Obama is great. I called out the drop in labor participation as U1 went down. I even called out U6 unemployment rates and how every job was low paying service based work.
Nope life is great Al.
I called out how Obama's team fiddled with GDP calculations to make it look like we didn't have another recession during his term (because they wanted to look good for economic issues). What does that mean? You know I believe Netflix bought the Seinfeld episodes (or some show like Friends) ... Did you know that is fresh GDP and production for the USA? The net effect was a 2-2.5% growth post 2013.
Trump and TCJA ... I so warned folks, it was a double-down, and it was purposely built if the DNC won, that it wouldn't be hard to topple the economy. My statement was at the time, it will work if there are no black swans for 5-10 years post implementation. Well guess what .... boom and boom.
Want to know disingenious? A billionaire's tax. Huh why? Guess what, congress does not have the power to tax on wealth only income. So create a tax to cover expenses knowing it won't pass and to deflect from more money being printed to promise services we actually can't pay for directly.
The reality is you and everyone will pay for it. It is called inflation, and the things you and I care about, don't get counted in inflation.
I have no doubt that we will see in those goods a 10% inflation rate (food/fuel/etc) for the next decade. That means 9 years from now everything will be double. However, your paycheck will be based on COLA or 5-6% per year ....
But But But ....
This is the cost of 50 years of fiscal mismanagement from moving off the Gold Standards to Fiat money. Every party is complicit ...
All they care is to focus one's attention on a pet issue and then folks will be too distracted. Well guess what. Karma is here and the check is due ....