Exactly. I have a platonic female friend (divorced) who has a very hectic business life and the kids have left and is graced with a dead bedroom.
She is very loyal but hungry and was trying to feel good and sexy about her self.
That is what I stated she do before she went on a big presentation. Find some exotic underwear and garter and do it.
Wearing business pants ... guess what ... don't wear anything at all. She said ok ... and I stated no bra either .... and make sure the blouse is silk.
I said good luck on your presentation.
She contacted me a week later and said OMG I knocked it out of the park Al ...
and I said have a good time in the hotel after #snicker ...
There was a pause and she said you are sooo bad .. #wink
Then a minute later she said yes ... I hadn't done that in a long while ... and she sent me a blush like emoji.
So I agree with you 110%, love yourself fully ...