Exactly! Imagine the hell of finding someone truly interesting, to blind them with something you can't control, to have them not see you. Kind of like Medusa ...
It reminds me of two women at a party one night. One had the right curves, but was more "average", and the other was like Gizelle.
Apparantly, I found out later she really really really wanted me, but was used to her looks getting and luring a guy in.
When I didn't bite, and took a bite out of her golden delicious friend, who later told me her friends were shocked and wondered what was wrong with me.
Shall we say the fun was "amazing as hell". The thing is at her soriority house I even caught Gizelle being pervy and watching.
I thought it was wierd but I had a feeling her beauty blinded her and that was a damaged bit of good I had tasted before and steered clear of.
What was funny I had classes with her that year in a few classes and I caught her staring multiple times.
If I knew what I knew now, maybe I would have handled myself differently, but I was young, dumb and full of you know what ...
It had to be a hell, since the societally more average I found out later after the fun became really confident and popular and the beauty quiet and set back ...
But one thing I learned :)
Beware of the beautiful, who are intelligent and that like to teach :D they usually outplan and outthink the average man 1000x over :D