Exactly. My running joke is App Dating is fast food of McDonalds, Burger King, Sizzler ...
I don't know about you, but I like to think of myself as a Morton's or Chris Ruth's, and you personally fit that mold.
You know ... being a person with layers! You have to have the personality that says yeah my appetizer is more than a family of four at the app store, and the wine and scotch and desserts baby.
Folks that do the three 6's and say well guys do it so shall we, will miss out on so much, or better yet be the trophy partners of the 1950s. It will be great for now, but you know it is a foundation built on .... sand.
The apps are optimized to increase those matches, which BTW ... is great for them, but not for people of substance.
Social Media is a virtual mask that can't even truly had the real reality. It is a 2D print in a 3D world.
But hey ... one wouldn't know from an app, that you released two articles in one day, which represents a fuck-ton of work "and" the fact you had to be a dirty girl.
You know ... you had to probably sign up to research the madness, and from there ... you will never be the same.
As for your friend, well she can have the good luck of being so picky that the 80/20 rule doesn't even apply. Since if you go and put those metrics in it would be like 7%.
Oh well, I am 5' 11.5" .... oh wait .... rounding says 5' 12" or 6' ..... but can you see someone getting lost on the magical view of accuracy and precision with math and rounding .... so I could hypothesis ... you weren't specific enough. 5' 7" since you asked for 6' is 6' and 1 + 1 in some cases is 3 ...