Feminine spirit like "authentic" masculine spirit is authentic and divine. When folks find it, they should treasure it, respect it, love it, and protect it "however" .... do not chain it or control it.
Women that desire and that are thristy for the masculine spirit should not drink from salty water or toxic water.
Men should do the same in return only valuing those partners that help them be the best that they can be.
Intimacy and sex is precious. Any quality person "knows" if the person puts in the energy for a realtionship and life for living, you will be drained at the end of every damn day.
If you aren't ... then I suspect you are not putting in the effort.
If the man to his heart is through his belly, then the way in return for the woman to her heart is making sure the dishes, laundry, and all the basics in the house are done.
So forth and so on ...
As for sex, both people should be having pleasure as often as possible, and if they can't take care of their partner they should be respectfully taking care of themselves. For guys, as they age they do have to stay sexually hungry. It is a side effect of hormones and life, so be careful and also learn to get sexual gratification through service to your partner.
Rinse, wash, and repeat with this and trust me with safety, trust, love and time, she will get hungry for more.
Keeping is controlling and is never good for a relatinoship .... being loyal because you love and respect them ... is good