Alan Tegel
4 min readJun 1, 2022


For quite a few guys it leads to the step of suicide and deep dark depression and given the walls of stoicism it leads to deep depression as who would ever love an enemy?

It also leads to the thought that no matter how good and how righteous and how much one works on their stuff (just like the bias and stereotypes women feel and deal with), the love they receive is a lie.

If one uses the adage, women fear men killing them, men fear women laughing at them. IT feeds that dark beast of why bother.

On the front of sex, can you image your horniest moment in a person's life, and then have it show up in a child 6-10? No maturity, no lessons, sexualaity steeped in puriticanal training ...

Can you imagine which you try to be so blinded by someone that you lose all thoughts and have to cycle around and control it? Does it make it a valid excuse (never ever ever), but imagine the mental impact of saying No ... No ... No ... No and denying part of yourself. (Do note I know there are women that have this same biological drive too as it isn't a gender drivent thing, but we do know testerone does play an effect ... more T-juice = more probability of higher drive).

In some horrible analogies, one could see the traps and dealing with the hormones akin to being addicted to cocaine or other substances, but for guys that read this ... this isn't an excuse to say yeah it is ok to let go. To let go makes you a boy and not a man.

Women should feel free to be safe and not concerned, they should feel free to be as sexual as they want and have the respect in the middle of the act to say "can we pause" as I have pushed far enough (or no if we need a simple terse word).

There is no excuse to force consent or cause threat or fear in a person "ever", but we do need a society to try to help boy and younger adult males learn how to mature and become men.

The reality is bringing this up when a person is in their 20's is a good start, but in effect it is too late. If we use the adage of 10,000 hours to become and expert, then by the age of 11-15 the boy is already have been trained on how sexual impules and society is. (5 years =40hr a day x 5 days week = 10000).

Shocking the guys is approriate , but the problem with shock is it empowers shame, and one has to wonder of the guys in the class. How many talked about it or tried to learn more?

Or did you observe glass eyes looking out at the distacne of over your head or out the window. how many actually participated and shared?

If none, the same fear that traumitizes women, also empowered the fear in men just not in the way one would hope.

Again, there is no excuse for violence, and if we step back and look at all the women that said yeah this is great to Will Smith hitting Chris Rock ... then look at that incident from the view of what is trying to be taught about fear, violence, sex, love, and gender.

Do Note: I have had the therapy to work on beating back the toxic culture of masculinity (aka man box),, am the survivor of sexual abuse as a child from a woman, and a male rape survivor. I understand the shitstorm of masculinity and have glimpsed into the hellscape of the femininity box with a patriarcal constructed society.

It epically sucks, but I didn't kill anyone and the only violence I used as an adult male was to stop a rapist, for whom I nearly killed with my bare hands.

Some might say that tapping of the dark abyss saved me later in life ... and with that as being pro-2A in America, I don't want to own a gun. I can now if I desire it due to the therapy work, but see if I see violence against women or children, I see red ..

I can go there to protect, but I fear personally of never being able to come back. With a farm, where we put animals down, I can see the end results as animals eyes go dark when we have to put them down. So ... I get the wrongness and harshenss of violence and no one should ever dance with that devil ... ever.

The issue society and women have with masculinity is that given men have not been empowered to feel or talk and we are talking Gen Z, Y, X, Jones, Boomer ...

No one knows the hellscape in a guys mind, it is far worse then you realize ....



Alan Tegel
Alan Tegel

Written by Alan Tegel

Lover of people, Texas Feminist Liberal Democrat, Horse Farm, High Tech Gadget ENFP Guy, and someone who appreciates the struggle of women and wants to help.

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