Free speech is not free from consequences, when combined with innocent before proven guilty, the bar is set that a person can rant and vent if their freedom and liberty to their pursuit of happiness is hindered.
They will have to pay the consequence bill if it creates destruction or violence.
As for the soon to be ex-President, his consequence came up with a loss in the election and who knows what else in post 2021.
1A and 2A are critical components of our republic. Folks will use driving as an example, but in reality that is a privilege not a right.
FB and Twitter are platforms which people agree to bide by rules. They are now publishing platforms, and as such can be "edited" like and editor does in a newspaper.
People don't see the nuance unfortunately.
People are not accountable which I believe is what you are trying to say and I agree with you. 50% of America doesn't vote even after the last turn out.
A few thousand criminals reflect what tens of millions of people do? So you hit it, the gross simplification of cancel culture and folks embracing political bigotry are all nasty side effects of people being civilly lazy.