Gee, thoughts and prayers for medical access from the party that actively cuts and guts medical services.
It makes me want to go toxic and given my white male privilege go to someone like that and say ... (forgive me women for this)
You (who thinks medical care will not be denied) are a Christian pro-life person, as a Catholic white man, it is not your place to question me your leader.
You lack of intelligence and naivity of the health care insurance system and medical platforms, make you 100% incompetent in any discussion, so please go back and pray and let the real "male" adults do.
Then I hand the mantal over to a woman leader (feminist) who is pro-choice and say "you got this" and "I got your back".
pro-life does not equal pro-woman (ever)
The laws have changed for the belief, so you are the oppressor, and frankly if you are an evalangical from Texas I can call you a Texas Crusader, but since they won't get the nuance ....
Texas Taliban on a jihad to slay women and save babies.
As for Idaho ... well I guess when you have a game you can stick things in ... need we say more?
I have tried for years to bridge the divide with folks, but the line has been blown up and torn away.
Most GOP platforms are bigoted against queer folks, hate women, are not pro-life "at all".
The are religious in name only.
50,000 or so kids are in foster care, and while All Mighty Cancun Cruz is worried about the border, Texas has had to export foster kids.
2019 only had 6,000 or so adoptions and it is down to 4,000 or so .... Texas has 50,000 abortions ...
Do the Math (oh wait there might be a critical race theory boogey "MAN" after you ...
42,000 more will sit stacked up like cars on a GM line because there are not enough workers and beds to put them.
This will happen every year in Texas ... do the math by the time the 1st baby is born post- RvW .... there will be nearly the city of Indianapolis made .... just From Texas ...
Thoughts and prayers, bullets before keys, and lets pray on the 50 yard line of life, while 60% of the kids can't even read the book they want banned because it hurts their religious no-no place ...
So angry I am ....