Had one "helluva" of discussion about failed expectations and what not in the relationship of what I deal with.
Huh? Why does this matter I don't care to know this "crap" Al ...
There is relevance, because I took a line of heat where she was like, your entire life you were Mr. Pig and you are all man and masculine viewed. Now you are calling yourself a feminist, you are not a girl.
I won't digress into that hot mess, but one point she made while I listened to the "list of failures" was this.
Her view was it was about what a person does not "the tits or balls". It was the person.
It was at this point, while I worked on my "shit", I realized something. She saw and acted by action as a person and not via societal gender views (in some things).
At work, I am the same way except in areas where I am technical top dog. Unfortunately, I can be a dick sometimes, for which I am working on, but honestly the fact I have had 3.6, 3.75, 4.0, and 4.0 on a 4.0 annual reviews at my company with being tech worker of the year on a 3.75 rating, means well maybe not all things I was doing is bad.
I actually support women PMs (since sadly almost everyone I work with is male) except the big boss who is a female VP.
So ... yeah I wouldn't expect a person to be a token female, and in fact now that I see this ... I have to contact that sr. project manager (PM) who was getting the shit reamed out of her to see how she was doing and if there was anything I can do (and I wish she was near my projects).
So you go be awesome, rock the boat, and be awesome and get that vacation done ....