Here is your food for thought:
If the relationship sans sex is not adding value and making your life easier, then the relationship is toxic.
The same rule applies both ways.
I have been with both independent and subserviant women. My wife is an atheist who is highly traditional and independent, while I am liberal and am a non-practicing Roman Catholic.
Independent women state on average what they want and how up front. Given independence, it is in their benefit not to waste time, nor to waste yours.
E.g. if you only prefer a submissive and dependent woman, that is ok. There is someone for everyone, but as people age and gain experience, they also learn the past societal training and upbringing is not always right either.
Are my experiences perfect? No. But from where I have experienced and seen over my time spinning around the planet. Equality is necessary to have a long-term relationships. Two equal partners that are independent and choose either other will always bring a stronger love to a relationship in partnership then one with competition and a dominant/submissicve[subservient] view.