I agree with Joe on this, and this will be a positive side effect of men learning and growing sexually, spiritually, and becoming whole human beings.
For the longest time and it really harmed my growth in my masculinity, I only saw gender as male and female, and sexual activity as homo and hetero. While that may work for people that are full on CIS Male and hetero or CIS Female and homo, (also flip it around to take care of all binary bookends), the real reality is there is a lot larger ranges in between.
What I figured out is gender is like a dial 0-10, where women are on the left at 0 and men are on the right at 10 [and do note one can flip that around if they prefer men at 0]. Same thing applies to sexual orientiation at homo at 0 and hetero at 10.
The question comes down to societies view (if we take a man) that he needs to be an alpha and as such needs to be a "10" and "10". When one looks at the hard and fast rules of being just heterosexual, there is no dial. It is a light switch. On or Off. If you aren't a 10 and 10, you aren't heterosexual.
Guess what that does to the psyche of a man (or woman)? It fucks them up epically.
As for me, as a pansexual, I appreciate that the dial is relative and can change person to person and even within a person's life as they grown and change they adjust that dial.
The hard part comes down to partnering up with people who only believe in the light switch of life, because if a person finds out that hey as a guy I am a "10" but my sexuality is a 2-7, what the hell happens to the relationship?
The one with the light switch becomes a toxic entity who feels slighted and cheated, and the relationship and if applied on society it crumbles.
But what about you Al? I am married, I love love love women, but here is the kicker. I love the feminine spirit as I deeply desire it in me and with my masculine soul. That means if I divorced, I would be very happy with a trans woman or a very very effeminate man. Where does that put me on the "spectrum".
If it is a light switch, I am fucked up, because my sexuality is very deep and wide and intense, and can't be defined by a zero or one.
IMO, those that are flexible but live and love with boundaries that matter in intimacy, are the ones that can love unconditionally. Also, there is nothing wrong if you are full on a perfect homosexual or heterosexual and you meet up with your "perfect" 10 either, but if you step up and understand statistics, one will realize having true love and intimacy where everyone's gender and sexuality matches two light switches will be near impossible, while those that understand and get the ranges will be more likely then the impossible.
There will be folks that are triggered, and that is ok. If a person is (and this isn't limited to the white male in a truck in Texas seeing two guys hold hands it can be a TERF), realize you openness and empathy is low and you need to work on it as any love you give or share (platonic, romantic, etc) is conditional.
Why I agree in 2022 being something that allows people to move forward? COVID gave everybody a "timeout" where they had the opportunity to live and think alone. It was and still is a scary time for quite a few people. I gained this experience while being on the road a lot for fifteen years plus. When you have no friends or loved ones while you are roaming free (but committed and as such no quickies), you learn to think deeper about yourself.
If women desire deeper and higher quality men in life and in bed, they should hope for this as this is the way for them to be a stronger human being.
If this threatens folks, realize that sex will stay transactional and only when people perfectly line up or believe in some unique religious experience where life is not about them but some greater good ... will they have decent sex and intimacy. The issue though is if there is a third entity in bed with you, the deep one-on-one connection is not what it seems. If you are flexible ... well you can make it work ...