I am so sorry you live in that hellscape. When my severe allergies went into allergic asthama, and the drug I used fixed it ...
The thing is it came at a cost. No more itchy eyes, sneezing and throat ...
But the war happens at my lungs (which ironically all the allergies start from), and let me tell you when the drug kicks the sensation I can give people is this:
Lift your arms and hold them parallel to the ground and then have a person hit you in the lungs on the side.
It is that level of awesome. I get a tickle in the chest and I know oh boy here it comes the elevated BPM (30 BPM upwards) and the wave of tired of running a marathon while sitting in a chair.
I am very lucky that pharmacy ibuprofen when mixed with tylenol 8hr deals it ... but I try to limit it, and now that I dealt with it. I now am working on my cardio system to handle the surges better.
Wow ... man ... I learned long time ago that pain and pleasure follows the same pathways and when you use it with a partner (consensually) it can elevate the intimacy game a big factor because you add the endrophins with the pleasure and all that.
But miss oh here it comes for 3 seconds of joy with 57 seconds of WTF ... I can't imagine.
I shared with a friend, that I wonder if the psychology I had with enjoy kink and the SM aspect was due to the fact in my past discomfort and ache pain from the allergies and IBS type of stuff (feels like chucky the doll is thrashing away on the lower GI) happens because I can choose it to start and stop, and with the overload it shuts down pain for a while.
Oh and you are not a loser ... no fucking way. You are a rock star, and I get the drug aspect. Your mind is too brilliant to be dulled by the drug of Sherlock Holmes ....
For folks that don't know ... constant pain when you have no pain feels orgasmic like ... you are like OMG.
I figured out 3 weeks for prefilters is too long at my place, and I changed them on Monday, and as I told a close friend. I went from every joint aching to feeling like a super human in 3 hours ... I felt so good I pushed walking into a massive push and will do so again today!