I am so sorry your amazing soul was impacted with this, and for anyone trying to get off to this .. ugh. Leave now ...
Now if a guy is going to go there, my suggestion to them is you get to play the victim. The sex worker is in charge and she/he gets to vent and do whatever it takes to release her pain on to you and you get to pay them.
I can't imagine how dark a soul a person has to find any enjoyment in the unconsented debasement of another human being.
What is wrong with people, oh wait ... they objectify and use and consume people like they are nothing, and that shows the true value of them as a human being.
Adult males that control their thirst should not be in public around others. Go Goon off and disappear and stay the hell away from others.
I had a few ex's who were into CNC, and let me tell you it was the hardest thing to ever try to provide for them fantasy wise. One woman I had to break up with because she wanted more and more, and I mentally couldn't handle it.
She was all broken up and then got mad when I ended it. I now know maybe if I had opened up on my trauma from the past, maybe it would have made a difference, but I wasn't there.
So I view this disgust/anger from that prism in my mind ...
Keep on writing great stuff ... and keep on fighting!