I believe even now as men are freed from the provider construct of patriarchal systems, one can see adult males for who they are.
My belief is women should not by default call adult males "men". They need to earn that title.
Prove an adult male has the ability to manage their emotions, and respect and communicate with one another (men and women).
Fairy tales are as poisonous as non-consensual and degrading porn is to men.
So women should have boundaries and tests and anything they need to feel safe and secure (period).
Now the hard part for women is when adult males who prove they are men and have the goods and layers, how does one let the doors and boundaries down to allow a "man" to have the emotional safety to be all the way vulnerable.
Do note, a man should just not give all of his hard earned masculinity to anyone and everyone.
Showing he has healthy boundary and respectful communication is critical.
Maybe then in our society women who have more and more power every day, will be able to show adult males who and the type of men that earn the trust of women.
I hope for that day truly. I have examples, but as I finish this sentence, I believe solid and amazing women get what I have to say.