I comment a bunch of folks stuff, because I enjoy the author's reads and writes, but I do agree with you there are some folks that go above and beyond.
To me it is enjoyment and supporting writers, and I can observe it from both sides. When I was active on toxicbook, I was in a political groups (several) and I was rated in the top 5 consistently. In a pool of 5-10K viewers/folks I had 5-7K reads a months. Some folks hated me some liked me some blocked me ... I changed minds and I changed mine.
If someone writes and they sit on a hamster wheel of sadness or tropeishness, I will lose interest. When a person moves from interesting and multi-dimensional to one-dimensional and living a cliche ... bye bye (softly mind you).
As a human being in a pool of humanity, we are all diverse and if one finds they are not and have to live the exact story over and over ... they either need help, a hobby, or they need to find another profession.
Watching people become lemmings ... fun to play and engage once in a while, but to be a fan boy/girl?
It can be an ick type of response ...