I got into an "debate" with a woman on a plane (early 2000s ... people talked mind you) about this situation.
She had this view, and I stated. So riddle me this, I am single per the tax code and government, I pay wickedly amounts of money for Federal taxes, and everything I generally use has a VAT component to it "and" I pay nice sums for property etc for education.
I am not blessed to have children. So the tens of thousands that I pay every year for decades over and over for which I directly don't get "any" benefit, makes me a problem?
But you who hopefully through love and a relationships has children, and your concern is that they are going to fund and take care of me?
I somehow don't think so.
It went on for a while, and I stated ok, lets agree to disagree and move on. So I stated (remember this was way back) ... so when octo-mom was the rage (or hell the Duggar family with their football fielding family) ... I would love to have a calculator (like the national debt) showing how much money she was consuming from the governments (i.e. taxpayers).
Can you picture that view? Picture the cost of a teacher(s) and their pension ... the medical cost etc etc ...
So ... my view is like yours .... and I agree with you, but not that you need my approval.