I had numerous "discussions" about topics over the years and some folks through out the privilege card (or some iteration of it) and they are 100% free to do so, and even had some valid points.
But I bit my tongue numerous times, because what I had wanted to say for many years.
Yes I have privilege, but I haven't had any children (wasn't lucky, blessed, whatever), and I have consistently put more into society via taxes and fees then I have taken out for decades of my life.
So while I am privilged, I am accountable are you? Did you pay the minimum of pre-COVID of $14,000 in federal taxes a year to pay your part to keep our country running along with everything else?
What I never told them is I spend time reading books by minorities and feminism (I am a white guy), and I try in private to help support those organizations with money where I can because my time is very limited.
At some point, I realized these folks loved living in bias or trauma based fear from the past, and I what I did was step back and let them vent over and over and over about how evil group or person X is. The more rancid they became the further I stepped back, and I learned to look for others that were kind and respectful and took the time to research their "shit".
Like you.
Dunno if it helps anyone but that is my share.