I had this discussion with someone, who literally went and attempt to shame me because I was harming foster kids mental well being because I wanted them aborted.
I didn't. I posted an article from the Texas Tribune about how Texas was forced to export 100 kids because they had no room left and the damage done.
I also made side comments that pro-life has the onus to be 10x more vocal about all the issues with women and children and foster care and what not.
Her concern, that she wasn't considered pro-woman.
Why did I entertain the discussion with her and was civil. I knew she was the product of a rape, she adopted kids, and helped and supported women who were in trouble including foster care.
She went that extra mile, so I gave her some space to share and discuss.
But she wanted accountability, and I just SMH as I looked at the blinking comment section.
My final response was ... you attack me disgustingly because you in a slander way state I want foster kids aborted, when I bring out all the bad shit our shared state does for foster kids, and child protection services saying we needed to do better "and" pro-life is required to step up or by default they were hypocrites.
No, I am morally outraged at the state and people who claim pro-life but do not cover womb to 18 and women who are pregnant and create a system that makes foster kids feel like they are abandoned. That is where the moral outrage from pro-life needs to be, not from someone stating I prefer women to have their personal choice with their body.
So now I will wait and watch for the next year patiently, and if the state (Texas) does nothing, oh boy can I get to label people by facts ....
These folks are so uneducated and so blinded by belief that they don't get the highest morality and ethics one can have is this.
To allow unfettered access to abortions, and doing everything in our power to make a woman not want to have one. Because you know a woman really wakes up and says "gee" I want to abort a living being in my body by default.
To me that is highly toxic and wrong ...
So if in a year nothing happens, I will say where was the emergency sessions, and where is the Texas Law that states no woman is to be charged financially for any health reproductive services from "inception to 2 years in age with the child".
Where is maternity care and day care protections for women coming at zero cost?
Where are the tax increases to pay for it?
I predict crickets because people's morality seems to falter most when it is time to open up the wallet and pay for things. That seemed to bother some folks the most ... worshipping of beliefs and the wallet over forced consent over another while essentially in professional words saying "be accountable" which is nice white person talk for "keep your legs closed". For these folks, I say ... religious on this point, keep your lips closed and pray.