I have seen this on both sides of the political spectrum, but I agree with you the most vocal and nasty has been the one's embued with Trump.
But they do exist on the democrat and liberal side ... I have had to unfriend and unfollow quite a few that spew hate daily.
How do I know this?
I was a liberal Republican, registered with the GOP from 1996-2018, and I voted heavily to all Democrat from tea party onward except for a few cases.
You want to talk about watching a person' show bias? When I told them I was a liberal republican and actually had facts stating I represented 7% of the party.
The bigoted responses would take your breath away. I did therapy for other things, but this did come up and I shared quite a few comments with two therapists over the time from 2017-2019.
Both therapists told me to block block block as these people were highly broken and in need of therapy.
So I agree with you ... you meet folks like this, step away and far away.
What I learned and am thankful for from them is how trolling and using positions of privilege can harm a person to their core. So I use those experiences to help filter and mold a better response from me.
But now in 2022, I can look back at some of those folks with Biden and filter my saying ... so ... who was right in conversation X, Y and Z ...
I thought so ... but then I realize I don't want them living rent-free in my head, and neither should you.