I have talked to her about therapy, but she truly embraces her inner masculine spirit :) 100% …. As for straying, you are right I have thought about it and I have had the chance on numerous business trips (1.5 million miles in the air), but it is just something I can’t do no matter how horny or how amazing the woman was. There are days I wish I could be like all of those other dumb or amoral guys that could do transactional sex. I can’t sex means something to me.
I have so many fun examples of things that make you go .. hmmm in my life, this is just another one of them. I am very lucky and blessed to have experienced what I have (even if it sucks) so I try to figure out what God/Karma/goddess/fate is trying to teach me and deal with it.
One thought some may have is well maybe your technique sucks. I do know I am always willing and ready to learn, but I have had numerous partners before them and they all enjoyed it and looked forward to my time. The fact that I never ever asked for oral in return (I have never orgasmed myself before via oral and only recently by hand [due to trauma shit]), amazed nearly all of them.
If I was boring or closed minded sure …. then I would be like yeah I suck, but I am curious and crazy and kinky and love it all. Now as a fun joke (dark humor back), if I were truly lazy with Oral …. I would have an assortment of Queening chairs at my house …. you know a guy needs to have comfort when performing a service.
Life is what it is. I do know if my current relationship ends … God help the next woman because I am all-in, and I am one of those guys that believes and tries to live through unconditional love.
The more women (platonic mind you) I meet, though might get totally scared with that since they have had to deal with such shit in their life (and I don’t blame them at all). But what I am learning is to say … fuck that … I am unique and special and intend to be as awesome as I can be.
Thank you again for taking the time out of your writing schedule to respond back. It is appreciated, and I do enjoy your writing very very much.
(to paraphrase one of those news columns)
Liberal Feminist Republican male from the great “Big” state of Texas (so many levels of oxymoron there I know) …. snicker …