I hope you find your happiness and heal from the pain of the past. It can be so hard for all of us in reality, and what can be hardest is realizing one makes mistakes in picking the wrong person.
Does it make the other person bad? No. Does it make the person making that choice bad? No.
What makes it bad is sticking and staying in that downward spiral without pulling out.
To me the crux of the issue is when you are single and alone, you always still have hope to find someone. If you are in a relationship, the hope from Pandora's box is no longer in there.
It makes the person have to close the box and pack up and hope that hope spontaneous generates back like magic.
The secret is this. It does, but it won't if the lid is open and people are focusing on it.
Folks love to talk to soulmates and twin flames. The reality is life is about yin and yang, and even if they are not evil, there are anti-soulmates and twin "holes" in people. What happens is this person has the ability to be a natural vampire ...
Be well and hugs (consensual) and warm embraces and thoughts for you!