Thicia Luiza I look back on the arc of my life and some of the most critical points in my life all intersected with women.
We will probably never meet in person or more than here, but your slice of femininity and writing made a large impact for which I will never forget.
It is a woman like yourself, and several other writers I follow with shares and exchanges which basically stood above me on the battlefield of life when I was knocked down lending me a hand saying "get up bro, you can fight and do this and win".
If I look back at the women that saved me:
An ex-lost love after not seeing each for 25 years actually meeting up by pure chance after FB messages and our business flights met up at an airport. She is a feminist and because of her, she righted the wrong of another feminist who basically broke me after my assault.
To the tears of women on election night in 2016, and then my partner and mother with tears in their eyes in 2015/2016 asking why I was killing myself with booze even though I said I was happy.
To an editor here on medium, and multiple female writers that god(dess) damn it makes me want to expand everything in my masculinity to be fully formed. You fit into this bucket.
I was talking to a close friend yesterday after I wrote a comment about a political and personal journey I did with politics that I may release as an article. She means the world to me.
I stated I am feeling so much more confident, I can't describe it. The only thing that is different (as of this writing), is that I have gone without porn for 2 weeks today, and I am on day 11 of 31 in a person "be horny, control the beast, and don't release" track. Three more days and I will match the first cycle of 14 days, and I had a 7-day spin where I kicked the mistress porn out of the mind and bed that is me.
She stated how I was writing and being open was very positive, but without her loving and honest and open response that I believe women do for each other "every day" to one another. It would have been lost on me.
But what about guys? I found a writer I had followed, and attempt to communicate with (Joe Duncan), that I feel he is a "good" man and guesses what he did the same thing. So I see him cheering me on (if he doesn't realize it) saying Bro I can do this so can you?
I wish and hope and dream you find a man as you deserve (i.e. above a 6). I shared my view in my response in my op-ed article I wrote and referenced you.
You made a strong positive mark on this man from a place in Texas from your beautiful homeland in Italy. I will always remember my time in Milan for several months doing crazy awesome techincal things for Vodafone Italy. The walks and the cafes still bring a tear to my eye.
Here is my reference to you on my coming out op-ed, which is because of your strength and amazing self.
Every time I feel weak in my personal quest to control the nuclear fire down below, I picture women like you and others stating. You can do this, we believe in you and I fight back hard.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.