I love the corollary.
If words are violence, then violence must be murdering someone ...
will smith = rich man = young Bill Cosby
If folks don't believe he can be cancelled, where are those warm 80s shows?
One core thing to remember is how Team Will pontificated protection on an adult "male" whose whole mantra was coolness and an ability to go with the flow.
Well we now see that it was all fake.
Some folks will say but it was just a punch, and my comment is no.
He laughed at the joke, he used fists not words, he did not leave the show after he broke the code of conduct, he did not "get his wife out of harm's way" [for those that stated he protected her], he fake apolgoized and tried to rationalize what happen on stage, he went to an after party not caring, and then his apology on instagram had a phrase with "but" that showed his true intent from start to beginning.
Put it all together, add up the sum of his actions, and you see a pattern of an adult male that has serious toxic masculinity issues, has the markers of being an abusive partner, and one that won't open up to his actions.
Now look at Chris Rock. He took a punch while doing a job as a comedian. He didn't issue any fake responses.
Look at Denzel Washington, attempting deescalate.
Look at Jada, who has to sleep next to a violent man who may go pop if angered in a situation where he stated nah ... you are a woman, you can't protect yourself from a joke and words.
You are fragile and weak, which is exactly the opposite of the GI Jane joke, which BTW is about a woman who became a special ops person (very hard to do) as a woman in a male dominated arena.
What is he saying ... his wife isn't that?
Agree with you the owners of that show fail epically whether it is using comics with dark humor to spin ratings, to not having security for the stage, and not ejecting someone who was violent.
Step back two years ago when supposedly the Pittsburgh Steelers QB issued a racial slur to a Cleveland Browns Defensive End and had the DE swing his helmet at the QB. He was ejected and removed from the season.