I was GOP, voted for Beto, but after watching him flounder like a fish out of water. I vowed never to vote for him again.
Then Abbott and the grid, Uvalde, Paxton, Cruz, and ... Roe.
I am very pro-2A, but I am sorry if my female friends and family and even pro-life women are treated worse then the horses on my farm?
Fuck no.
It made me angry, and to watch all of the religious people act so horribly to the point folks who blamed me for years of both-sidesing it (which I wasn't doing but trying to build a bridge).
No, I will be voting for him and as I have done since 2018 vote for every DNC member I can.
They act like so many born again christians who pound the pulpit and shame and blame when they get power, then to get angry when they are questioined, countered and when cornered ... go into victim mode.
See, not now. If a woman can die on the medical table of life because of them? They don't get space and nuance.
I do believe they have done everything in their power to win including gerrymandering. I also believe the DNC has underestimated the fact latino's will go conservative and there are holes the size of Texas in their strategy.
But for once ... again .... 2020 was COVID, 2022 will be Roe.
The X factor is Ukraine ... but frankly their concerns red and religious and pro-life ... while important and I can even say I believe that life begins at inception, but guess what ... I will never tell a woman she can't do what she wants, how she wants, where she wants the way she wants ... ever.
The GOP and those folks don't get it. They have no trust and they can't say but ... we didn't mean it.
I have no doubt you didn't intend to ... but guess what I am sure an alcoholic that gets behind a wheel and kills someone didn't intend to do it either ....