If I look up liberal in Webster, his view over a social platform that promotes equality between the gender and sexes, makes him not liberal.
Or as you call it ... a fair weather liberal.
So the simple logic male POV brain response to him.
Cancel Feminism = cancel equality of the gender/sexes
I have unique and special privileges as a white male. I have access where if I fuck up in certain circles I will be given a pass, and if I take advantage of it I accelerate like crazy.
I have done the therapy and work to work out of the man box, fight back toxic masculinity and depersonalize discussions so I am not fragile. It doesn't mean I don't feel it and it can hurt, but it means I have the tools to filter and stop the trauma and fear before it leaves my mouth.
So women that find they can trust me after verification (over and over), may applaud it but in real reality it should not be an applaudable thing. IT should be normalized.
So I vehemently disagree we need feminism and in fact we need more men to fight the causes for women and help them by being allies and partners stepping in when they ask, and policing the masculinity and male gender.
People state there is no misandry or limited amounts of it with femcels. The reason? Women police like hell the toxic parts and keep it in check. Women are asking men the same in return, because they love and desire men and their masculinity and sexuality (a lot). The reality is men aren't respecting women enough to do the same in return.
So what needs to be canceled is his belief and bias ... not feminism