It does, ad if one has friends that one really trusts and are of high value, sexual intimacy can occur.
It comes down to how hard in love someone is with couples privilege. Does one really desire the level of intimacy and dedication to one and another at the cost of all else?
There is no wrong answer mind you.
I have a belief in soceties where women are safe and secure and men are respected for their masculinity, that sexual coupling would happen more.
Rejection would happen less, which would lead to less violence and less fear.
I don't know if you follow her, but this awesome female writer wrote about love and sex ...
Intimacy should add not subtract, and if people you are engaging with falls into this ... walk away.
Friendships should add and not subtract.
Fantasies should add not subtract, and remember my adage ... one can fantasize about the ultimate other person, but it should be left at the door after self love and not injected into IRL, unless it is consented between two ore more.