It is a choice which all women can choose to have and to also be able to execute without the threat of rape, assault, or harm.
It isn't feminism, but a positive side of it where women can choose, just like guys should be able to be himbo's.
The question is where does one draw the line on the objectification and when does it become toxic.
As for why some women are doing this? Call it extreme thirst for the masculine. Some women deeply deeply desire masculinity, and in today it has been squirrelled away in corners and hidden, since it is still wrapped in the stereotypical 19th century.
Quite a few men that are not toxic or traditionally masculine, do not feel emotionally safe to share and expose their full range of masculinity.
Men shouldn't force themselves out there if they don't feel safe either (just like women shouldn't do so). Also, it isn't for women to say what and how masculinity should be, except to call out when their life and bodies are harmed and not respected. It falls into the line men can't judge or state how femininity should be, just like women can't do the same in return.
There are obviously redlines, which #metoo called out and those are acceptable, but for everything else? No.
Personally, I love liberated and empowered women where they only put on makeup and dress up "if they want to" and if "it builds confidence within themselves."
But for me, sweat pants and t-shirt and makeup free face and bring me your femininity and I will be happy. IF a woman wants to do something to spruce things up, she can. If that means every so often dressing up like a bimbo, so be it. But it has to be done with her enthusiastic consent and is not her core personality but one she is executing because she chooses it. Unless she wants to be ultra-femme all the time.
Then it is my job to respect her for her inner soul and being, not the other packaging and for times when she requests help to smack down the negative and toxic, I will be a partner.
Given war and death expect more of this ... life is a harsh mistress/master ...