It is why I used both words. If there is a guy that is not a feminist and is a traditionalist, then conforming to compassionated conservatism and embracing the good sides of this which includes chivalry should not be hard for them.
But since some folks in that realm only embrace the toxic and easy .... ugh ugh ugh
Take how I was educated (and trust me I have been working on this stuff for a decade plus), extremely traditional ...
I open doors for both women and men. Now if I was dating again, guess some of things we talk about on the early dates? (example below)
So "SC", our first date went great, would you like to see each other again? [imply yes happens]
Date 2:
So what are your thoughts on men opening doors and chivalry vs civility? [enter in our comment discussion etc]. If a woman is against it a last question is this hard no redline or a soft no where while walking to the car, may I ask .. may I open this door for you ...
Etc etc ...
Discussion would be had and I might share, I take great joy in providing service to another, so when I do this I have pleasure in being nice with no strings to the other person (outside of feeling good), so if I am to make sure your boundaries are kept, I am having to close part of me to you which will hurt a bit etc ..