Jada has 100% every right for any emotion. The only unacceptable facial reaction I was talking about was will smith's.
Jada also had a write if she choose to slap Chris Rock, if she so chose.
Our culture monetizes this kind of action and activity, we literally prefer violence over love, divisiveness and edginess over civility.
Should comedy be included as part of the MCng of an awards show?
It was included and has been included to spice things ups for (drum roll) ratings.
The Academy show owes the biggest blame for this. Where was the security to prevent someone from rushing on stage?
Why did they choose divisive dark comics to deliver commentary?
So lets step back from the whole situation and look at this from the no-slap commentary.
Let's take two mentally unstable individuals and use them to gain ratings.
In a perfect naive utopia the following would have happened:
will smith would have been escorted off
Chris Rock would not be on stage for the rest of the show
Formal apologies would be made for the violence
An apology to Jada for being demeaned
Discussion would be brought up about Denzel Washington's actions, and a statement about body image issues, masculinity issues, and health issues.
No talks about what happened outside of what is and isn't acceptable so examples could be seen for young male adults on masculinity.
-- as per mental issues
Chris Rocks NVLD makes him suspect to not "getting" the association between statements and their physical impact. So he should only be doing comedy in comedic situations where people can consent to it and not in a blanket stage or show.
will smith needs therapy for toxic masculinity "AND" your ACE statement. He doesn't get defended for assault. He actually has all the markers for being an abusive partner since he is incapable of controlling his emotions.
As you can see in our exchange we can have an "and" discussion, not personalize this and get toxic. This is what adults do, you are a mature adult as am I.