Jthe fun esus was a liberal, and those that mince words with the bible to pound down on LGBQTIA+, sex workers, non-religious, etc ... are exactly like the Pharisees.
100% ... plus the modern culture gives them the sweet anti-freeze taste of Puritanism.
You know the ones that killed witches, I mean smart and independent women. E.g. Did you realize that Christianity in the middle ages considered cats evil? They went to purge them out, and viola, look at what happened (Black Plague). Kinda of like the old testament in a new way.
If it wasn't for the Benedictine Monks (I was trained by them in High School), there would be no bible. Want to know how important the goodness of St. Benedict was? The monks tried to poison him and a bird crashed thorugh a window and knocked the cup out of his hand saving his life.
So ... on to the modern times ... I deeply believe in God, but am non-practicing (Roman Catholic) as for going to church .... I am married to a woman who is an atheist but I am also a pansexual who has kinks.
She is none of these but I stay married and I love her because it is what you do when you honor and care for someone ...
Now what the hell does this have to do with all of this and why TMI? Well there are situations where serious fun can be had with power exchanges, but see even in a non-kink oriented way it has its place. When a man loves a woman, he should give his entire sexuality to his wife for her to own and maintain and care for, and she in return should do the same. It means taking care if she doesn't want to get preganant, moderating himself and even if she is in the mood ... taking care of her needs, as she should do his.
It is all about loving one another and giving to one another 100%. It is also folliowing Jesus #1 rule he stated which was the most important thing .... Love Thy Neighbor.
There are so many men violating this epically under false pretense of protecting children and everything else between.
God Gave us gifts of free will (gee see the violation of it by others) and believes a mhis ortal sin is for man to Judge like God (hmmm see this happening don't we).
My favorite is holding up a false idol (political person) which well you know .... a sin.
I am a white man, I am and have and will probably until I die have privilege which exceeds all women that read this ... and if your are BIPOC ... most definitely.
You know what is important? I use it to help others especially if they are different then me.
Now ... fun fact ... Misandry does exist. The reality is most people don't realize that men are the #1 abusers of it, just like women can be misogynists ...
Will I screw up in life? Definitely! The key is to try to always love and care and take care of one another.
Why? Because it is the right thing to do. On the flip side with enthuasitic consent and for women that love and desire couples privilege with religious strings ... some of the fun edges with folks like me keep the interest and desire running high ... later in life if respected.
Be well and enjoy the fun thoughts ;-)