Lots of spot on analysis here, and I have been able to observe animals albeit restricted and controlled for farm related stuff.
People have this weird belief that they are exempt from mammal and animal basic behavior. They are not once folks actually become honest and live authentically. Then their true colors come out.
There are some guys that would fear a more balanced male/female/non-binary village view. They would learn that they have a lot of work to do to become human, and to move into the inner circles it would take time, energy, and effort.
Would a guy fear his primary female partner having another child or temporary sexual relationship with another if she came back or he had free access to others that may have a strong sexual compatibility with one another versus a romantic one?
Load sharing with multiple people makes this shitty thing called life less painful and manageable, because the burden can be shared. It is like what we used to do in College days for a job. A group of 12 would go to lunches twice a week. One person would pick up the tab, so guess what? One meal had to be paid for every six weeks. Picture how awesome that feels, knowing you get to break bread and drink and walk away without paying (well it balances out mind you).
Take that versus the dominator view where men pay or enforced splitting. Then in the end because no one wants to live or do this ... everyone eats alone ...
I personally wish I dealt with my shit earlier in life, and then I could have found "my 'type' of people" earlier and well ... more smiles and less work :)