Men are born with a dumb stick, and women who are hetero can go cock blind.
Trauma bonding is never a good recipe for long term love. We are the sum of our decisions, and one has to wonder sometimes how and why some folks have children when one or both parents are fully formed.
One wonders why and my looking in through the blindness with my dumb stick bruised brain ...
She has a desire to always feel stronger, richer, better, then her partner. It makes her feel good, and that is an issue. No person should live like this. Each partner should bring equity and equality to the relationship and where things are lacking ... work it out effectively.
The issue with felony (and this crime fits) is this person doesn't have enough self love (real) or care or concern for themselves and society told them "no" you can't be a citizen anymore.
This is serious stuff. No voting, no gun ownership, limited speech, and liberty and a very very crimped pursuit of happiness.
horomones and lust knows no gender ... it embraces us all ... the question is does one harness and not give in and work on coping mechanisms to be a fully formed adult.
Not Nicky ... nor her husband/partner