Men that follow this pattern in a society that vilifies sex work and criminalizes paid sex, are effectively treating partners as masturbratrix's for their needs (sans money). Guess what that is? Objectification and dehumanization.
Trust is the hard currency of sexual intimacy.
Respect is an asset required to have sexual intimacy.
Trust is earned in thimbles, and lost in buckets.
Poor communication, generalized assumptions over gender and sex, and showing one can't control their emotions or thirst, all are proof respect is lacking, loyalty is a concern and trust will not be earned.
But how can I date and mate and be with women? Do what is being asked, and as you earn those things, in turn you can talk and have your boundaries observed and maintained too.
That means if you provide it to a woman who is low value or so engrossed in trauma that they execute poor judgement and communication, you can learn to walk away just like women do.
Will their be fewer relationships and meaningful longer term sexual engagements? Yes. The thing is though when it does occur, it will be infinitely better and more powerful and amazing.
Why? If one can prove their worth to high value women, given the shallow pool of men being stated, you will stand out and be valued. But you have to do the work, and be authentic and true.