My belief is it is about a man's sexual evolution and evolvement as a person. Are there guys that stick with the status quo? Absolutely, and the reality is quite a few of them love the simplicity and that is about it. Dollars to donuts in partnered relationships where strong religious or harsh environmental considerations are not in play, the relationship will end.
Al? What are your thoughts?
Well, I always follow the 1/2 + 7 in my view on this stuff. Take your age, divide by two and add 7 and if the partner you are with fits in that realm "game-on".
Why? There is a societal commonality that two people have when they have all the same experiences that provide some communication benefit.
Now, IMO where this thereom loses value is in areas where non-traditional sexual beliefs and practices come into play. My thoughts are that it is due to non-biological markers being used to titalate and where one finds enjoyment from. Great examples are Bondage and SM, where it isn't about the age of the participant but the activity and consent.
But people can have fetishes over age too, which you call out specifically here. There are the babysitters, MILFs and yes GILFs too. There is usually a power dynamic in play that some folks may not get it.
As for the extreme events, they always come down to trauma and loss IMO. The person never was "in" or was shunned or whatever, and because of that they need the power and joy of reliving the past, because that is where they are stuck.
Anyone in a relationship "knows", that someone that is stuck with that loss or fear trauma demon, will never have a superb sexual experience for a long time, as there are three people in that mix with one of them never consented too (the demon and two people).
My view from the cheap seats ...