My guess is the kids of kids of tomorrow may have the expected leveling off between the genders; however, it will mean bumpkis for anyone alive now.
So if guys standards are dropping it is to be expected as the altar and king's chair falls apart and people stumble from previous positions of power and authority, they will have to drop lower before they fight to get back up.
The issue for this is for folks that desire partnership and relationships the only ones that will have it easier will be men who bump up and upgrade their masculinity and boundary skills as the pool for them will be wickedly more available.
The thing is most guys would grossly say "target rich environment", but for those that upgrade it isn't about the quick and dirty.
It is about how to find that partner that can go the distance and have that wild and crazy in a controlled long burn like one is going to Saturn in a futuristic ship.
So as such I agree with your final statement.
The thing is as women know and try to say in their own way "traditional" only views of sex (though very important but not critical) will be less important.
As such, women in the pool of men know erections over the long term of a relationship will be a privilege, but the reality the vulnerable and open heart and strong authentic masculine will be the ropes that bind two as one.
As for women and cheating, you betcha I see it. I have seen multiple women from the past as we reconnected and talked about the past and life.
I see them no differently then the dumb and full of cum young guys of the 1990s as they fuck different guys in different cities as they travel for work. Some do it to rebel, others to recapture youth, and etc. The reality is cheating is genderless, it is about a lack of something on the inside and numbing one's self in the present, because the though of the future is too painful.