My observation from the cheap seats in life is this. Take two couples, one consistently seeing each other and having full access to one another. They can have sexual engagement, but lack openness, creativity, curiosity, and all that and still deeply love one another.
The sexual fun will be limited and "ok" (or my favorite comment ... it is "fine).
Take another couple separated by thousands of miles but able to talk and converse (video chat and all that). They can be devoid of touch and have sexual engagement, and. knock it out of the park "Every time".
This is what people never seem to get. It is about seizing the moment, and being truly open and vulnerable to have an explosive connection.
The thing I wish I could whisper in my ear if I had a time machine would be ... make damn sure before you physically connect "connect", that communication and sexual compatibility which is really an example of how one openly communicates at their most vulnerable time with another person physically. IS this most important thing.
Close minded, whoa is me, or purity/shaming culture around something fun is a sign that this person needs to fix whatever hurt them and learn no you can not bond with another person, for the only bonding that will occur is between the dark passenger in each person and not the true hearts and minds of one another.
You are absolutely correct. Time changes it all the time, and the black swan in life is the fact it doesn't between two people (or more) if one so chooses.