My view is this. Pick people who can be your friend first and always. Increase your pool of friends you can count on and be there, and if you are interested in the opposite sex, hone your skills to include more of the type of guys you are interested. For guys do the same, and understand you must always start with out a sexual mission or conquest.
Hard? Definitely. Each gender has it's own gender walls to climb and manage. What they are could fill a very large book for each gender and those in between.
You are what you put into life, and the question is do you add more value or do you take.
If you frequent medium, look at your followers and who you follow. Are they good and quality people, do you have a good balance of gender and race and people?
Do you try to connect?
Luck is about being prepared to be able to have the reserves and awareness by not being exhausted and distracted. Also during times like this not letting one's thirst blind oneself, or conversely being so hardened that you can't absorb someone's love and attention.