Note: I agree with your comments and my comments are “additive”.
Empathy really helps in negotiation in “tense” discussions. I have been able to work out critical things in business and in student government “stuff” to help because I could put my foot in another person’s shoes.
Outright violence and abuse, obviously the rules become black and white. E.g. in my home county a 24–year old literally jumped in to save lives and “died”. He showed extreme leadership skills at a very young age.
If he survived and ran for office? Definitely. Serve in the military and move up a few rungs (especially with war?). Definitely.
This young adult who as more comes out? Nope. He literally is putting the nail in the coffin for the argument as a data point for no.
But as I stated above though, there is a wide range of experiences one should have in life before controlling the lives of others. If I look at me at 19 versus 24 versus now?
I could navigate both liberal and conservative, democrat and republican, religious vs non-religious. I could talk to supporting small businesses and supporting (actually really) women and businesses. Hell, my experience going to school in inner-city Cleveland where it gets real …
If I toss in the fact, I have had to put animals down and give birth to tens of foals with my bare hands, and yet set up a 5G solution, travel heavily and extensively?
I am sorry an young adult with one year of experience out of school? Versus someone that would sit and say, hey single woman who had to fight hard. I won’t lead let me support you even though I could do the job and do it well?